Transformative Leadership Development

For You And Your Team

Expand Your Performance

Step into The Glass House

Why Developmental Leadership?

Your leadership journey is both personal and professional, it has highs and lows, uncharted waters and exciting prospects. In the education sector, we deal with so much that navigating the next step can often feel reactive or overly directed by the system. No matter what stage you are at, our coaching, facilitation and consultancy works with you to design your own personal map for development, teaches you the tools to navigate it and supports you to plan your route.

Our true potential is often stifled by the day-to-day fire-fighting and lack of time to explore other factors (external and internal) that may be holding us back. The concept of developmental leadership acknowledges that leadership is a journey and at The Glass House Leadership Lab we believe that taking the time to understand yourself as a leader and build your own development, looking at where you have already been and considering where you would like to go is the key to flourishing as a leader.

The benefits of taking time to develop yourself are exponential and ripple into your team and organisation more widely leading to a cohesive and sustainable organisation that is matured by the flourishing people within it.

Two women sitting on white chairs talking. The woman on the left is drinking water, the woman on the right is holding a notebook.

Why The Glass House Leadership Lab?

The Glass House Leadership Lab was started to be a service for educators providing a safe space to explore their interests, motivations, strengths, values and gaps as well as challenge themselves and ‘break the glass ceilings’ for what they believed was possible for themselves and education more generally. Our mission has naturally expanded beyond each individual leader to also consider leaders within teams and organisations more widely and how real progressive change can be achieved across an organisation to transform the educational experience of the students we all serve.

At The Glass House Leadership Lab we believe that true development and progress within education starts with the educators themselves and through our processes you can better make sense of your own leadership and development through a new dimension, find new ways forward from resources you held all along and unleash your potential.

The Glass House Leadership Lab was founded by Dr Matt Silver as an accessible and non-judgemental space for leaders to explore and be guided in their ongoing journey. 

What is your next step forward?

Step into the Glass House.

How will you move forward?

Working with The Glass House Leadership Lab will facilitate you to:

Increase your self-awareness and understand your self more deeply

Build team cohesiveness and align team values towards a shared vision

Sustainably grow your organisation