See what out clients say about us…

“It would not be too strong to say that working with Glass House Leadership Lab has changed my life. It has been energising, uplifting and reflective and challenged my thinking. Through skilful coaching, I have been able to see how significant events in my life have impacted on my development as a leader but also as a person. It has enabled me to identify the positives of these challenging events rather than focus on the negatives and celebrate the characteristics that make me me.”

— Headteacher, Glass House Leadership Lab Coachee

“I [now] have a much clearer understanding of my strengths and areas of development. The way in which I deal with situations within my team has changed dramatically. Understanding what motivates the team and how to get the best out of them, has led to better team coherency and outcomes. There are clear processes in place to hold each other account and to develop the wider team.

— Headteacher, Glass House Leadership Lab Coachee/ Team Journey Participant

“Glass House does a fantastic job of structuring and bringing purposeful language to their trainings. It allowed our company to take another step towards growth individually and collectively”

— Logan, Glass House training attendee

“Matt did an incredible job creating trust between participants in order to go deeper with each other and ourselves. He pushed our thinking and helped us unpack the company in order to create a plan to better the organisation.”

— Anna, Glass House training attendee

“I really loved how the leadership training not only allowed us to work on the goals and values of the company, but also developed the leaders. Being able to figure out more about myself and what drives me, is going to help me be a better leader for anyone I’m around.” 

“Being a part of The Glass House Leadership Lab has given me clarity on my purpose in life. Because I know more about myself, I feel more prepared to be present to those around me.” 

— Tracy, Glass House training attendee