Dr Matt Silver

Founder & CEO of The Glass House Leadership Lab

As a former CEO and Headteacher of an outstanding special school Matt appreciates the challenges and responsibility of Leadership. He has a passion for designing meta-frameworks to address learning barriers and the challenges within the education sector more widely. 

Matt has led the transformation of learner and colleague experiences and outcomes. To tackle the issues within unrelatable and disjointed learning content within SEND he developed Meaningful Mastery, a project-based learning curriculum for the 21st Century; which has provided extraordinary results across all aspects of school data.

This experience has expanded through curriculum, enterprise and new school design into further leadership roles including as Director of the National College of Education’s MBA programme and as vice-chair for the National Association of Pastoral Care in Education.

As an experienced leader, coach and coachee Matt is driven to define best practice in education sustainability; by bringing whole teams together, seeing the value in each individual and aligning both individual and team vision. Matt believes that development is the missing piece to the education puzzle and that increasing the capabilities of leaders and learners alike to create coherent agency can allow leaps of progress and innovation to occur within the whole community.


Doctorate in Education: Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy, UCL IOE; NPQ for Executive Leaders; Integral Trained Coach, ICC 

Reinventing Education: Beyond the Knowledge Economy

co-written by Dr Alan Watkins and Dr Matt Silver

The need for change in the education system is obvious and overwhelming. But competing priorities, political inertia and diminishing budgets maintain the dysfunctional status quo, meaning that the education system is a complex, multi-dimensional problem with multiple causes and multiple solutions.

Reinventing Education: The Knowledge Economy co-written by Dr Alan Watkins and Dr Matt Silver examines the underlying causes behind the key challenges facing schools, and provides a framework in designing, constructing and implementing school systems to transform education using a developmental approach.

    • Why education is a ‘wicked’ problem

    • Why development is key and must sit

      alongside knowledge transfer

    • How motivation and value systems

      evolve and are key to change

    • How to drive behaviour change to

      transform outcomes

International Guest Speaking and Lecturing