Leadership Lessons in Education: A Journey Through the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future
Education is a ‘wicked problem’.
This is because it is a complicated entity; and it is such for many reasons. Wicked problems have multiple root causes; they have multiple symptoms; they have multiple solutions and as such it makes them incredibly challenging to solve, if in fact, they ever can be solved in their entirety. What makes them ever more challenging is that they themselves are constantly evolving and changing as are the causes, symptoms and solutions.
So how can we as education leaders in particular look at the wicked problem of education and begin to tease out golden solutions that are pre-emptive, effective and sustainable? Just as Ebenezer Scrooge's transformation offers lessons on accountability, empathy, and foresight; we can learn from this narrative to ensure our influence on education is positive, impactful, and enduring.
Leading Impact
Leadership development has become a buzzword in the corporate and educational sectors alike. However, many courses and programmes still fall short of empowering participants to deliver meaningful, lasting impact in their organisation. If we want to truly empower leaders to sustainably grow, inspire, and transform their organisation, we need to take a holistic approach that uses human development principles as a foundation and focuses on personal and professional growth, self-awareness, and system maturity. Without doing so we are missing out on the impact by and to the collective ‘whole’.
Steps To Truly Authentic Leadership: A Developmental Coaching and Human Development Approach
Ever worked with an inauthentic leader? The physical reaction will tell you all you need to know about why discovering who you truly are and showing up as you could unlock so much potential in your organisation.
How to lead beyond the processes
Leading beyond the processes means focusing on the people, values, and broader purpose of education. Recently we asked “What Are Your Top 3 Leadership Words?” - a tough question to answer. There were a range of responses but several key themes emerged: trust, vision, empathy and communication (which encompasses a whole host of leadership qualities!). Unsurprisingly no-one responded with anything that was process or operationally focused. People want leaders that can lead people.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: What Should Leader Accountability Actually Be Like?
Being a Leader in the UK today is not for the faint-hearted. The pressures of educational leadership, particularly in the current climate, are immense. Whether it’s managing staff, ensuring pupil outcomes, liaising with parents, or navigating government policies, Leaders are tasked with a wide array of responsibilities that impact the entire school community. The accountability of a leader is stretched further when education feels like the last remaining pillar of some communities and the leadership goes beyond the school gates. But as the role of the Leader seems to range from finding paperclips (a client told us this last week!) for a teaching assistant to standing in front of their board to explain student progress despite budgetary shortfalls and with an Ofsted knock looming it is critical to ask what accountability for school leaders should really look like?
Leadership Retention: What makes a good Leader stick around?
Leadership shapes the learning environment, setting the climate and culture for what a learning environment and organisation should be. Among the many key figures, Leaders stand at the forefront, influencing and guiding the organisation forward. However, there is a key challenge persisting within the realm of Leader leadership: what factors contribute to the longevity of a Leader's tenure, and what makes them stay?
An infrastructure to address the roots of the recruitment/ retention crisis in schools: A lot of failed initiatives and a sustainable solution
The recruitment and retention crisis in UK schools has been making headlines for years and is an ongoing urgent issue with growing teacher shortages, increasing workloads, and concerns over pay. Recent data shows that more teachers are leaving the profession than entering it, while those who remain often face burnout. As this crisis deepens, it threatens not only the quality of education and learning experiences for students (data has shown that each 1% increase in teacher retention is associated with improved student performance (National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER), 2021)) but the wellbeing and future opportunities of all those involved, restricting the capacity for the system to evolve.
Addressing this issue requires a multi-faceted approach. In this blog, we will examine the underlying causes of the recruitment and retention crisis and discuss potential strategies to address it.
The Risks and Rewards of Replacing One-Word Ofsted Judgements with an Educational Scorecard- A Developmental Perspective
The move by the UK government to abolish the one-word Ofsted judgements in favor of a more nuanced scorecard system has sparked considerable debate. While this change is largely welcomed and has the potential to reshape the landscape of educational assessment in a positive way, it also brings with it a set of challenges that must be carefully navigated.
What is the real value in enhancing your perspective on talent, engagement and retention?
Our perspective is the lens through which we view the world and makes sense of it.
As an educational leader in a world rich with diversity and complexity, the ability to broaden and enhance our perspectives is potentially the most valuable capability to possess. It offers a myriad benefits that enrich our lives, relationships, connection and understanding of the world around us. Developing it can unlock the potential of whole organisations, connect with stakeholders you never thought possible, and provide a gateway of innovation, talent potential, and system maturity.
How to Involve Your Staff in Your Strategy
Strategy in education is often considered to be planning. What underlies this planning is decision making. What is often clouded, no matter the setting, is who is making the decisions and how this links to effective change management.
In this blog, we're diving into the deep end of decision-making dilemmas, asking the kind of questions that make you want to scratch your head, sip your coffee, and wonder, "Who's really steering this ship?"
Appreciation To Transformation
Within the Glass House, appreciation is becoming one of our most powerful tools for transformation and one of the key ingredients to the transformation our clients are reporting.
Charting the Future of Educational Leadership: Navigating Myths and Technology with Human Development to Enable System Transformation
Knowledge is derived from information in the same way information is derived from the data. We make our own meaning from it and it is open to interpretation. How we understand information is based on its perceived importance or relevance to a problem area and this perception comes from our values and beliefs. Therefore, understanding how we as humans interpret data, information and knowledge as we develop as adults is key if we seek to lead solutions that can overcome the problems we face in evolving an education system where each unique lens can value and flourish within and beyond amidst a digital revolution.
What I Learnt from being a CEO in Education
Without doubt, people make, break, or evolve the system. Whether this is internally or externally, there are pressures that come from meeting expectations but as a leader you have to be capable of self-authoring your own journey. The greatest challenges in this is not understanding yourself or the other person, or that they, without doubt, will have a different perspective to you. As you become more conscious of this it can be even more difficult. ‘How can this not be obvious that an angry parent, a child that is dysregulated, and a teacher who is trying to maintain their professional standards are driven to different outcomes by different values?’
The Transformative Influence of Storytelling in Leadership
In the vast tapestry of human interaction, stories have always held an unparalleled power. They captivate, inspire, and connect us in ways that facts and figures simply cannot. They appeal to our senses and emotions not only keeping our attention but often also triggering a response. Within leadership, storytelling emerges not just as an art form but as a potent tool for shaping cultures, inspiring change, and fostering connections.
School Leadership: Where Do We Go Now?
School leadership has long been the cornerstone of education systems worldwide, guiding institutions through shifts in pedagogy, societal changes, and technological advancements. Traditionally, leadership in schools often mirrored hierarchical structures, where a Headteacher held the reins of decision-making, setting the tone for the entire institution. This is likely what most of us experienced as we moved through statutory education. However, the landscape of education has been evolving rapidly, prompting a reevaluation of these conventional leadership models and asking the question; how do leaders evolve if they are to lead system change?
Teacherpreneurs: maximising untapped talent inside and outside of the classroom
As most people are aware, particularly those working within education, the role of teachers is undergoing a profound transformation. This hangs in the balance as to whether this is for the better, but the changes taking place are opening a host of new avenues to redefine what it is to be a teacher and the profession itself- if we can see them.
Personal Development: How can a personal development curriculum apply to both your students and your staff?
In this blog, we'll explore the value of a personal development curriculum and how it can be applied to both students and staff, creating a holistic learning environment that nurtures growth and success.
The power of authentic school leadership: A guide to showing more of your authentic self in your leadership.
Authentic school leadership is a transformative force that extends far beyond management and administration. It encapsulates a leadership style rooted in honesty, transparency, and a genuine commitment to the betterment of the school community. For true innovation to happen in education, knowing one’s self is essential. In this blog, we'll explore the essence of authentic school leadership, analyse the benefits and challenges it presents and discuss what it brings to our adaptability in various contexts. Additionally, we'll delve into the connection between authentic school leadership and vertical-development (adult maturity) and its profound impact on shaping the culture of educational institutions.
Nurturing an Inclusive Environment for Learning and Growth: How can we make our schools psychologically safe?
The concept of psychological safety has been around a long time. It refers to the belief that you can take risks, share your ideas and express yourself without fear of negative consequences or repercussions. Ultimately, when people feel psychologically safe, they feel open to being their authentic self creating a culture of trust, transparency, safety and openness.
How can you effectively disrupt and respond to disruption to achieve transformative change? Through disruptive innovation…
Disruptive innovation, often seen as a formidable force for change, has the potential to drive transformative shifts in education and educational leadership. In an arena where rapid adaptability has been key for some time, understanding how to harness and respond to disruptive innovation effectively can open the door to progress. Our blog delves into the realm of disruptive innovation in education, explores its implications, and provides insights on how to navigate this powerful driver of change and find innovation in the toughest challenges.