Matt Silver Matt Silver

What is the real value in enhancing your perspective on talent, engagement and retention?

Our perspective is the lens through which we view the world and makes sense of it.

As an educational leader in a world rich with diversity and complexity, the ability to broaden and enhance our perspectives is potentially the most valuable capability to possess. It offers a myriad benefits that enrich our lives, relationships, connection and understanding of the world around us. Developing it can unlock the potential of whole organisations, connect with stakeholders you never thought possible, and provide a gateway of innovation, talent potential, and system maturity.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

How to Involve Your Staff in Your Strategy

Strategy in education is often considered to be planning. What underlies this planning is decision making. What is often clouded, no matter the setting, is who is making the decisions and how this links to effective change management.

In this blog, we're diving into the deep end of decision-making dilemmas, asking the kind of questions that make you want to scratch your head, sip your coffee, and wonder, "Who's really steering this ship?"

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

Appreciation To Transformation

Within the Glass House, appreciation is becoming one of our most powerful tools for transformation and one of the key ingredients to the transformation our clients are reporting.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

Charting the Future of Educational Leadership: Navigating Myths and Technology with Human Development to Enable System Transformation

Knowledge is derived from information in the same way information is derived from the data. We make our own meaning from it and it is open to interpretation. How we understand information is based on its perceived importance or relevance to a problem area and this perception comes from our values and beliefs. Therefore, understanding how we as humans interpret data, information and knowledge as we develop as adults is key if we seek to lead solutions that can overcome the problems we face in evolving an education system where each unique lens can value and flourish within and beyond amidst a digital revolution.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

What I Learnt from being a CEO in Education

Without doubt, people make, break, or evolve the system. Whether this is internally or externally, there are pressures that come from meeting expectations but as a leader you have to be capable of self-authoring your own journey. The greatest challenges in this is not understanding yourself or the other person, or that they, without doubt, will have a different perspective to you. As you become more conscious of this it can be even more difficult. ‘How can this not be obvious that an angry parent, a child that is dysregulated, and a teacher who is trying to maintain their professional standards are driven to different outcomes by different values?’

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

The Transformative Influence of Storytelling in Leadership

In the vast tapestry of human interaction, stories have always held an unparalleled power. They captivate, inspire, and connect us in ways that facts and figures simply cannot. They appeal to our senses and emotions not only keeping our attention but often also triggering a response. Within leadership, storytelling emerges not just as an art form but as a potent tool for shaping cultures, inspiring change, and fostering connections.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

School Leadership: Where Do We Go Now?

School leadership has long been the cornerstone of education systems worldwide, guiding institutions through shifts in pedagogy, societal changes, and technological advancements. Traditionally, leadership in schools often mirrored hierarchical structures, where a Headteacher held the reins of decision-making, setting the tone for the entire institution. This is likely what most of us experienced as we moved through statutory education. However, the landscape of education has been evolving rapidly, prompting a reevaluation of these conventional leadership models and asking the question; how do leaders evolve if they are to lead system change?

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

Teacherpreneurs: maximising untapped talent inside and outside of the classroom

As most people are aware, particularly those working within education, the role of teachers is undergoing a profound transformation. This hangs in the balance as to whether this is for the better, but the changes taking place are opening a host of new avenues to redefine what it is to be a teacher and the profession itself- if we can see them.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

The power of authentic school leadership: A guide to showing more of your authentic self in your leadership.

Authentic school leadership is a transformative force that extends far beyond management and administration. It encapsulates a leadership style rooted in honesty, transparency, and a genuine commitment to the betterment of the school community. For true innovation to happen in education, knowing one’s self is essential. In this blog, we'll explore the essence of authentic school leadership, analyse the benefits and challenges it presents and discuss what it brings to our adaptability in various contexts. Additionally, we'll delve into the connection between authentic school leadership and vertical-development (adult maturity) and its profound impact on shaping the culture of educational institutions.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

Nurturing an Inclusive Environment for Learning and Growth: How can we make our schools psychologically safe?

The concept of psychological safety has been around a long time. It refers to the belief that you can take risks, share your ideas and express yourself without fear of negative consequences or repercussions. Ultimately, when people feel psychologically safe, they feel open to being their authentic self creating a culture of trust, transparency, safety and openness.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

How can you effectively disrupt and respond to disruption to achieve transformative change? Through disruptive innovation…

Disruptive innovation, often seen as a formidable force for change, has the potential to drive transformative shifts in education and educational leadership. In an arena where rapid adaptability has been key for some time, understanding how to harness and respond to disruptive innovation effectively can open the door to progress. Our blog delves into the realm of disruptive innovation in education, explores its implications, and provides insights on how to navigate this powerful driver of change and find innovation in the toughest challenges.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

Waking Up to the Self-Authoring Mind: Breaking Free from the Conditioned Mind in Education and Leadership

This blog explores the powerful journey from a conditioned mind to a self-authoring mind in education and leadership. Following on from our previous blog, we uncover ways to overcoming imposter syndrome and embracing personal growth. This transformation unlocks student-centred learning, empowers young minds, and welcomes innovation. Through Exploring the path to self-awareness, autonomy, and positive change you reshape your beliefs, values, and aspirations to move beyond feeling like an imposter and thrive as your authentic self.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

Imposter Syndrome and The Conditioned Mind: How does it connect to our human development?

Are you an imposter? Don’t judge! So are the majority of leaders in your team.

Imposter Syndrome, a term coined in the 1970s, describes the feeling of wearing a mask despite evident and external success. It plagues many, limits beliefs, but is particularly prevalent in high-achieving professionals such as educational leadership. Harvard psychologist Robert Kegan's theory of adult development helps explain why imposter syndrome may persist in individuals. It is a psychological phenomenon in which individuals doubt their accomplishments and live in fear of being exposed as not living up to perceived expectations. These feelings can be paralysing, with anxiety as the root feelings. Read our full blog to find out more.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

Designing a future education for now: How do the next generation of leaders benefit from coaching?

Discover the transformative power of coaching in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. In this engaging blog, we delve into the incredible impact of coaching on student development, from building self-awareness to fostering resilience and a growth mindset. We reflect on our own success story and practical strategies for overcoming common challenges in bringing coaching to schools to create a brighter future for students and the leaders they'll become.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

Cultural Cadence: How can your organisation can build a deliberately developmental culture?

Deliberately Developmental Schools (DDS) are educational flames, passionately igniting personal and collective growth. Developmental coaching serves as a fiery catalyst for educators and students, fostering self-discovery and shared commitment to progress. DDS break down traditional hierarchies, promoting a community where everyone leads and learns. Open feedback fuels creativity, and failure is seen as an opportunity. DDS not only enhance teaching and academic outcomes but also ignite teacher retention and innovation. They celebrate continuous growth and adaptation, preparing students for an ever-evolving world, grounded in the science of human development.

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

Emotional Intelligence: How do your emotions affect your team?

Emotions are an intrinsic part of the human experience, and their impact on leadership and team dynamics cannot be overstated. The way we manage our emotional intelligence as leaders has a significant impact on our team and the wider organisation. Often there is a misunderstanding between feelings and emotions. How in tune are you with your emotional awareness and regulation?

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Matt Silver Matt Silver

Unleashing the Power of Self-Development: How Deep Should Educators Dive?

In the ever-evolving landscape within, and more prominently beyond, education, the pursuit of self development isn't merely a choice; it's a professional imperative. As educators and educational leaders, the impact we have on the lives of our students goes beyond textbooks and lesson plans. In a world of rapid change, we must keep speed with our own capacity to adapt, maintain connection with others, and ensure the sophistication of our thinking and quality of decisions integrate many more insights into our collective evolution.

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